Once you have clicked this button, you will be brought to an page.

Once on this section, you are going to want to click the "Installer" button. Once on this page, you are going to want to navigate to the "Download Recommended" section of the site.
Minecraft godzilla mod wiki install#
It is important you use the link in this post as you may accidentally install Minecraft Forge for the wrong version else-wise. You can visit that site by clicking here. Start by visiting the Minecraft Forge page for 1.12.2. Step 3) Download Minecraft Forge for 1.12.2: This step will only apply to those who just installed minecraft, though this ensures best results with our future steps, especially when downloading Minecraft Forge. This site will walk you through installing the game! You must first visit the official Minecraft site and purchase and download a valid copy of Minecraft. This step may seem straightforward to some, but is worth clarifying. Installing a Minecraft Mod is a fairly simple thing to do and will be outlined in steps below along with a video to help anyone get playing! 1.8 Step 6) Install the DragonFire Mod:.1.7 Step 5) Launch Minecraft Forge for 1.12.2:.1.6 Step 4) Install Minecraft Forge for 1.12.2:.